Guests and Prospects Need to Know, Like and Trust You...
In every aspect of our lives, we thrive on connections.Everyone seeks to connect with others. Despite being in the midst of our modern population, we feel more disconnected than ever before. We seek to connect with others “like us.” People who share our interests, needs and understand our deeper desires.If we want to connect with them, we have to help them feel we are safe to interact with and do business with. That means they need to get to know us, like us and most importantly, trust us. Th
7th Sep 2020
Keep It Tidy
Keep it Tidy - It says you are a proThere is nothing that is more disgusting than a dirty, messy wax pot...except maybe double-dipping. It sends the wrong message to your clients. With the pandemic, client expectations have completely changed. No business can any longer afford slap-hazard or lazy housekeeping. It's essentia you take the necessary time between clients to teep everything in your treatment area looking pristine. It's the new standard and every client ge
7th Sep 2020