Celebrate...We've Made It To August!
Have an ice cream cone or do something fun.Hope this newsletter finds you and yours safe and healthy. It's a tough time and everyone is super stressed. Our industry is doing a good job of stepping up to the pandemic challenges. We're working even cleaner, safer, and following guidelines to protect ourselves, our families, and our clients. I salute you!Many of our customers are anxious, stressed, and unsure. They need us to be their steadying force. As we work our way thr
7th Sep 2020
Wax Like a Boss Part 4
A Client Etiquette Guide can build your waxing success.1) Remind them to hydrate!We are the professionals and our clients depend on us for guidance. Many waxing Divas have found these tips speed up the service, create better client experiences and prevent treatment room surprises. You may want to make a guest handout that covers the following so the client will know what to expect. When we are hydrated, the skin is more plumped and hair removal is easier. You might want to consid
7th Sep 2020
Wax Like a Boss Part 3
Waxing like a boss is about monitoring and increasing your wax service profits.
Running any business means you have to have enough profit margin to pay all the expences and you and your staff living wages. Trying to do cut-rate waxing makes it very difficult to survive...unless you have the backing of someone like Walmart or Amazon. Both had millions of dollars in venture capital that you and I don't have access to. For is all about making sure we are profitable.W
7th Sep 2020
Wax Like a Boss Part 2 Use the right wax.
Select the right wax...
Waxing like a boss is about selecting the right wax for each client's needs. It's about offering more than the client expects. It requires lots of practice. And it's about building confidence and professional customer rapport.Cirepil's waxes form two groups, strip, and non-stripLet's talk about wax selection. Cirepil makes lots of different waxes so you can have the just right one to match with each client's unique needs. But selecting the right wax can get confusing.or
7th Sep 2020
Wax Like a Boss Part 1
4 Tips to avoid waxing reactionsWaxing like a boss is about choosing great products, offering more than the client expects, lots of practice and building the confidence to stay in control of whatever happens in the treatment room.In this issue, let's talk about treatment room control of skin reactions.
When winter mellows, spring reaches out with bright promises and lovely blooms. RednessIf your clients are anything like mine... spring also seems to bring on more skin sensitivities.
7th Sep 2020