Guests and Prospects Need to Know, Like and Trust You...

Guests and Prospects Need to Know, Like and Trust You...

In every aspect of our lives, we thrive on connections.

Everyone seeks to connect with others. Despite being in the midst of our modern population, we feel more disconnected than ever before. We seek to connect with others “like us.” People who share our interests, needs and understand our deeper desires.

If we want to connect with them, we have to help them feel we are safe to interact with and do business with. That means they need to get to know us, like us and most importantly, trust us. They have to feel we have something they need. They have to feel we will stand behind our words, our promises and have their best interests at heart.

If they’ve never heard of you, they need, in those very critical first seconds that you might be able to help them in some way. They need to get the impression you aren’t there to rip them off.

For women shopping in spa and beauty, they need to feel they are staying desirable. They want to feel secure and competitive in their career, social and personal situations. A lot of that boils down to self-confidence and self-image.

How do we do that?

Humans have been making those decisions instantaneously for thousands of years. It was necessary for survival. If someone came to the entrance of your cave, you had to determine who they were quick. Maybe a friendly tribesman, an enemy tribe wanting to conquer you or maybe a hungry wild animal.

You needed to invite them in or prepare to fight.

Even though we no longer face saber-tooth tigers, the instincts are still there running on autopilot.

We judge by what we see/read. Images, words, arrangement and if all the messages we take in feel right. If there are incongruities…we immediately have our guard up…danger, danger.

Can you think of an example that immediately puts your guard up?

  • How about the proverbial used car salesman?
  • Or there's those “robo”-calls?
  • What's your reaction to someone that comes across threatening or sleazy?

Remember the Cher song, “Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves”? She was born in the wagon of a traveling show. Her Grandpa sold bottles of “medicine.” Her Mama serviced the men at night.

People used them, but they didn’t like or trust them. There was no connection, no friendship, no loyalty… it was only basely transactional. They probably insulted or ignored them the next day, if they ever saw them again.

You don’t want people to feel that way about you or your product/service. To get the right message across you must consider your total image and how you establish the connection.

Step 1 - Be a safe haven

You want to stand out as a safe haven for your prospects. In every way you interact with them, you need to first… make all messages match. Congruity of style and content is crucial to creating that feeling of safety with you.
Make yourself easy to find. If they can’t find your business or your web page… you’re not really in business.

Make it easy for them to communicate with you. Nothing puts people off quicker than a website, social media post or email that doesn’t let them contact you EASILY!

Put contact information out there so they see you are a “real” company. It’s amazing how many companies don’t offer a phone number or even a general location. In spa and wellness... you need an address and phone "above the fold."

Many special offers end on Friday or Saturday. Imagine yourself in your prospect’s position. You want to take advantage of the offer, but you have questions. And there is no one to answer their questions on weekends or even normal Friday business hours.

I had this happen recently. I wanted, no needed the product. But the special offer they sent me didn’t populate on the order form. There was no way to get it and their offices were closed at 3PM CST. That’s one in the afternoon here on the west coast. I went ahead and placed the order and messaged them.
Never got a contact back nor any offer of helping me out. They probably won’t get a second chance because my trust factor plummeted.

Educate them about your product and how it can help them. “Infotainment,” should be easy to read, friendly, informal, but backed up with good solid proof so they feel validated in a buying decision. Whether it is a product or service it should focus on the benefits to the buyer...

Introduce your team and let them build confidence in your brand and who is there to take care of them. Share success stories and real customer testimonials. People believe what other people share.
Offer them something in a way they see real value for taking their time to consider it.

The more you educate and share value, the more they build trust with you. The more they trust you, the more they will open up and want to buy.

Step 2 – Consistency of messages

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, your website, sales letters, blogs, articles, or email…They should all project the same tone and feeling.

Think of it this way. You met a nice person and enjoyed time with them over coffee. The initial connection came out really well and you decided to go out to dinner. When you met them for dinner, they looked and acted like a very different person. Dress, language, image all nothing like your coffee friend.
Your warning bells would be going off like crazy.

It’s the same thing in our relationships with customers and prospects. We need to present consistency to build our credibility with them in order to help them know like and start trusting us. And as returning customers, we need to get the support that is the hallmark of every good business.

If you want to see a great example…look no farther than Disney. They have built these factors in spades. Every connection in person or otherwise sends the same message, friendly, warm, inviting, genuine. You know them, like them and trust them to deliver.

Every new touchpoint we create with the prospects needs to carry on the same theme. Know, like and trust me. I can help you and I will stand behind what I say.

How good are your know, like and trust factors? Think they are great? Wonderful.

Not sure how you stand? Message me and we can take a quick look and evaluate. If necessary, tweak them to enhance your KLT factors.

7th Sep 2020 Judith Culp

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